Our Veterans Program is open to all Veterans of any age and their families. Our goal is to serve those who have served us and our country so willingly.

Our program has been recognized and inducted into the First Lady of Virginia’s Opportunities Hall of Fame, for the year 2011.

We have veterans of all ages and branches of service at Healing Strides. You can come be a part of our team here. Healing Strides accepts you where you are, as you are! Our services are offered to our veterans at no charge to them, as funding allows.

For more information please call 540.334.5825
Click here for more information about our Mental Health Services.

Services offered for our veterans and their families:

  • Riding (foundational skills that can become discipline-specific as an individual learns!)
  • Horsemanship 101 (ground-based horse education and handling)
  • Drill Team (team lessons, focusing on detailed arena maneuvers)

Mental health, learning, and coaching for

  • PTSD, Trauma
  • Marriage and Family
  • Anger Management
  • and more

Horses Inspiring Hope: valuing an inclusive, supportive culture through relationship, integrity, and excellence.

What can you do to help?